
Thursday, December 17, 2020

Fourth Tranche of Conradh na Gaeilge material released

2020 has been undoubtedly a strange and difficult year for everyone with the onset of the Covid-19 pandemic and the worldwide heartache and disruption it has caused. It will come as no surprise therefore to state that this has also unfortunately affected the ongoing work of processing the Conradh na Gaeilge collection. Access to the archives to continue the painstaking work of cataloging the collection was not possible for a 7 month period.

From August to October of this year, access was again thankfully possible and I am happy to report that the next tranche of material has now been released. This tranche comprises of five series: G60/3 Committees; G60/13 Ard Fheis; G60/15 Seachtain na Gaeilge; G60/19 Modern Irish Language Literature, Poetry and Writers and G60/21 Music, Song and Dance Material.

The Committees Series relates to the work of various committees and subcommittees of Conradh na Gaeilge including the National Executive; Finance committee; Children's committee; Festival committee; Fundraising committee; Education subcommittee; Gaeltacht subcommittee; Training subcommittee and the Broadcasting and Media subcommittees, and consists mainly of minutes and correspondence.

The Ard Fheis series covers material relating to Conradh na Gaeilge's annual congress. The Seachtain na Gaeilge series covers material relating to Conradh's Irish language festival which takes place annually in March. Both series include minutes, correspondence, opening  addresses, programmes and promotional material.


The Modern Irish language Literature, Poetry and Writers series includes draft scripts and essays, biographies and obituaries, items relating to competitions and awards, documents relating to book festivals and launches and material relating to Irish language journalism.

The final series in this release, Music, Song and Dance Material, includes general sheet music, Oireachtas sheet music, programmes, photographs, posters and correspondence.

This latest release comprises of just under 70 boxes of material and brings to 240 the total number of boxes released to date. Access to these and any other material is dependent on current government restrictions however, which can be viewed here.

Government restrictions permitting, the work processing this amazing collection continues and it is hoped that news of further releases will not be as long in coming! To see what is currently available, check the archives catalogue here.

In the meantime, stay safe and take care,

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