Tuesday, December 23, 2014
Nollaig Shona
Best wishes of the Season to all our readers, and looking forward to seeing you again when we open again on the 5th January, 2015. The images here come from the Bairead Family Collection. Stiophan Bairead was first Treasurer of the Gaelic League from 1893 to 1920, and one group of items (G3/15) consists of early Christmas cards from the League.
Tuesday, December 2, 2014
The Prof. Kevin Boyle Archive Launch and Symposium
On 28th November a memorable and fascinating series of events saw the Professor Kevin Boyle archive officially launched at NUI Galway. A seminar entitled "the Human Rights Scholar-Activist / Activist-Scholar", excellently organised by the School of Law and Irish Centre for Human Rights, saw a host of local national and international speakers, including keynote speaker, Professor Sir Nigel Rodley, Chairman of the United Nations Human Rights Committee, present papers on not just Kevin Boyle's major contribution to teaching and practising of law and Human Rights advocacy and activism but on wider, current and important issues of human rights law and conditions in Ireland and internationally.
Following the symposium, the launch of the archives was officiated by the Attorney General Máire Whelan, a former student of Professor Boyle and an alumni of NUI Galway, spoke warmly and passionately about Kevin's contribution and to the potential of the archive for future research.
You can watch all the proceedings of the symposium - The morning session and the afternoon session.
For more on The Professor Kevin Boyle archive and to access the archive catalogue please click here
You can read Irish Times coverage of the launch here
Tuesday, November 25, 2014
100 years of College Drama Society
The college annuals of University
College Galway are an indispensable record of student life and activity on
campus. With updates on study and academic courses, sporting life, achievements
of students and academics, contributions to social and cultural life and
general news of interest for and by students it is an insight into what being
student in Galway was like over 100 years ago.
In an issue for 1914 the Dramatic
Society documents the activities of the first year in existence of the UCG
Dramatic Society. According to the notes:
first year of this society has been very successful, notwithstanding some
"excursions and alarums". There was first of all the question whether
we were a college society at all, which was pursued by some so far that one
night of rehearsal we found ourselves faced with an order by a college official
that we are not to be allowed into the Aula Maxima".
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UCG Drama Society, 1914 |
Thankfully things did improve for
the society as it is noted how "Twelfth Night" was to be the first production:
were frequent, but though they take up much time, they were essential and often
good fun as well. The actors were all enthusiastic and painstaking, and from
the beginning each did his or her best to make the play a success, and a
success it was."
A tribute to the success of the
play was noted as being the attendance of the President of UCG on the night of
the play (December 16th):
"This tribute of loyalty and respect, not to say affection, acted
as a message of encouragement and a stimulus to the actors and made manifest
that this was truly "a college night", and such a one as it is hoped
will be frequent in the future."
To view the 1914, and other
editions of the historic College annuals visit the Archives and Special
Collections Reading Room.
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UCG Drama Society, 1915, seated at Aula Maxima |
Monday, November 24, 2014
Digital Seminar Series Event 2 at Hardiman Building 27 Nov.
Digital Scholarship Seminar. THU 27 NOV, 12-2pm. G1001 Hardiman Research Building.
Creating a database of Irish international trade
Dr Aidan Kane (Economics, NUI
Galway), Dr Patrick A Walsh (History, UCD), Dr Eoin Magennis (InterTrade
What are the potential benefits of applying
mathematical network theory to Humanities sources?
Dr Máirín Mac Carron (History,
NUI Galway)
The second event of this
semester’s Digital Scholarship Seminar features talks on databases in
economic history and on mathematics meeting mythology (abstracts below).
Featuring both local and visiting speakers, this event will focus on two
projects with interdisciplinary methods at their core. Please join us for this
seminar on Thu 27 November. Presentation and discussion will take place in Room G1001, Hardiman Building (first floor) from 12-1pm, and will be followed by lunch and further discussion from
Creating a database of Irish international trade
We report on work-in-progress in
capturing and interpreting data from a unique set of records of Ireland’s
international trade, the “Customs 15" ledgers housed in the UK National
Archives. These (hand-written) records span the period 1698 to 1829, with
at least one c.50-folio volume for each year. They record (in remarkably
internally consistent and stable formats) Ireland’s exports and imports in each
year, for hundreds of commodities, detailing quantities, prices, and values,
distinguished by main trading partners, and by Irish port, along with summary
tables of shipping tonnage and trade-related tax revenue (these latter two also
detailed by port). Only a small proportion of the wealth of the data these
records contain has been accessible to date. Having digitised a sample of these
volumes and captured some data, we report on the challenges of data capture,
management, presentation, curation, and interpretation in anticipation of a
larger project to make this unique resource available to a wide community. See http://www.duanaire.ie/trade
What are the potential benefits of applying
mathematical network theory to Humanities sources?
I recently applied mathematical
network theory to Humanities sources, following collaboration with
mathematicians, as part of my involvement in an ESF-funded exploratory workshop
called ‘Maths meets Myths’, held at Coventry University (10-13 September 2014).
My test cases are accounts of saints’ lives (hagiographies) from seventh- and
eighth-century Anglo-Saxon England. Following presentation of my preliminary
findings, the paper will pose questions such as: does network theory tell us
anything that we could not already infer from close textual study? For network
theory to be effective, do our sources need to contain a minimum or maximum
number of characters? Is it necessary for humanities scholars to work closely
with mathematicians in order to get the greatest benefit from such quantitative
research tools?
Wednesday, November 19, 2014
Verne Harris Lecture at Hardiman Building - "Post-Apartheid, Post Mandela"
Verne Harris, Director of Research and Archives at the Nelson Mandela Foundation
Lecture on
"Post-Apartheid, Post Mandela"
VenueSeminar Room G011 the Hardiman Reserach Building
Date & Time
20th November, 2014 @ 13:00:00
Verne Harris offers a reflection on reckoning with pasts and making futures in South Africa. He interrogates inter alia the country's continuing transition to democracy, the unfinished work of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission, and the legacy of Nelson Mandela.
Director of Research and Archive at the Nelson Mandela Foundation, Verne Harris was Mandela's archivist from 2004 to 2013. He is an honorary research fellow with the University of Cape Town, participated in a range of structures which transformed South Africa's apartheid archival landscape, including the Truth and Reconciliation Commission, and is a former Deputy Director of the National Archives. Widely published, he is probably best-known for leading the editorial team on the best-seller Nelson Mandela: Conversations with Myself. He is the recipient of archival publication awards from Australia, Canada and South Africa, and both his novels were short-listed for South Africa's M-Net Book Prize. He has served on the Boards of Archival Science, the Ahmed Kathrada Foundation, the Freedom of Expression Institute, and the South African History Archive
For more information please contact tflorath@web.de
Tuesday, October 28, 2014
Digital Scholarship Series at the Hardiman Building - Autumn 2014 Schedule
Another edition of Digital Scholarship Series of talks and lectures is beginning this November at the Hardiman Building, NUI Galway. With sessions focusing on advances, new projects and research in the Digital Humanities from speakers locally, nationally and internationally, it promises to be a really exciting and interesting series. All information and contact details of organisers can be seen on the following poster:
Thursday, October 23, 2014
Announcing Symposium on Archives, Human Rights and Activism & Launch of Kevin Boyle Archive
The family of the late Professor Kevin Boyle, co-founder of the Irish Centre for Human Rights (ICHR), has kindly deposited the Kevin Boyle archive at the James Hardiman Library, NUI Galway. This important archive has much to say about the pursuit of human rights in Ireland, the UK and internationally. The Archive will be launched at a series of events at NUI Galway on the 28th November 2014. A day-long symposium, organised by the ICHR and the School of Law, will bring together leading human rights scholars and activists to address the theme “The Human Rights Scholar-Activist or Activist-Scholar" and will also explore issues of human rights, archives and memorialisation. The keynote speaker is Professor Sir Nigel Rodley, Chairperson of the UN Human Rights Committee.
Panel speakers include:
Brice Dickson
Michael Farrell
Tom Hadden
Françoise Hampson
Barry Houlihan
Bernadette McAliskey
Marie McGonagle
Tarlach McGonagle
Donncha O’Connell
Pól O’Dochartaigh
Michael O’Flaherty
Louis Boyle
28 November 2014
All are welcome.
Following the Symposium, the Archive of the late Professor Boyle, catalogued and available at the Hardiman Library at NUI Galway, will be officially launched by Máire Whelan, S.C., Attorney General.
For further information: humanrights@nuigalway.ie
To register for Symposium: www.conference.ie
Tuesday, October 21, 2014
The Will of James Hardiman
Hardiman, historian and librarian was born around 1782. Hardiman was born in
Westport, County Mayo, in the west of Ireland around 1782. His father owned a
small estate in County Mayo. He was trained as a lawyer and became
sub-commissioner of public records in Dublin Castle. He was an active member of
the Royal Irish Academy, and collected and rescued many examples of Irish
traditional music. In 1855, shortly after its foundation, Hardiman became
librarian of Queen's College, Galway. The university library was later named in
his honour.
Errew near Westport, the site of Errew Franciscan Monastery was donated by
James Hardiman, the foundation stone was laid on the 21st of July, 1840 and a
great number of people were present. Dr. McHale, Archbishop of Tuam was the
leader of the ceremonies. James Hardiman laid the foundation stone and placed
coins of the day under it, the people of Errew helped with the building. Local
tradition in Errew states that James Hardiman had a son called
`Black James Hardiman`. `Black` James often visited the Monastery and had
special rooms reserved for him there. He married a lady from Galway and lived
in Dublin. When his wife died he left Dublin and it is believed that he had no
family and his whereabouts were unknown.
James Hardiman, Historian and first Librarian of Queen's College Galway |
will of James Hardiman who died in 1909 fills in the details of this Black
James Hardiman. Two beneficiaries are mentioned in the will Lily O’Flaherty
Johnston of Kilmurvey House, Aran Island and Brigid (or Delia) O’Flaherty of 51
Leinster Road, Rathmines, Dublin. Lily and Brigid are sisters, and another
sister, Julia, had married James. The O’Flaherties were middlemen who became
the biggest landholders on Inis Mór, and feature strongly in Tim’s book Stones of Aran: Labyrinth. Because of
this will we have an address for James in Dublin, and from the Census returns
of 1901 held in the National Archives of Ireland and now available digitally,
James’ age is given as 81 in 1901, and Delia’s as 45.
will and it’s associated material relating to James Hardiman’s grave plot in
Glasnevin, was donated by Tim and Mairéad Robinson as part of their collection to John Cox, the
librarian of the James Hardiman Library in September 2013. It is a link between
the many strands that go to make up Humanities research. From the work of James
Hardiman himself, to the folklore of his local area of Errew, available at http://www.castlebar.ie/clubs/ballyheane/bally2.html.
Black James Hardiman features in the work of Tim Robinson in a footnote, that
has contributed to an entry by Moore Institute scholar Deirdre Ní Chonghaile,
who’s blog entry on the piano at Kilmurvey House available at http://aransongs.blogspot.ie/2013_12_01_archive.html
fills in the O’Flaherty of Aran connection with James Hardiman. The address
furnished in the will allows us to check the census returns in the online
version of the 1901 census digitized by the National Archives of Ireland
available at http://census.nationalarchives.ie/pages/1901/Dublin/Rathmines/Leinster_Road__Part_/1296656/
will provides a tangible link with the family of the first librarian of this
Library, and is an example of how one item can link and overlap with other
research being done in the humanities.
Wednesday, October 1, 2014
New exhibition on Irish and Russian Theatre coming to Hardiman Library
A new co-exhibition, “Unchanged but the Spirit. . . ’, launching 7 October 2014, between the James Hardiman Library, NUI Galway the Russian State Art Library, Moscow, will for the first time in Ireland, present archive material on the production and stage history of The Seagull by Anton Chekhov, from initial staging in 19th Century Russia to later adaptations in contemporary Ireland.
The Chekhovian classic The Seagull has engaged and provoked audiences since its Moscow premieré in 1896. From a poor initial reception from audiences and critics alike, the play was close to being abandoned and forgotten until it received its production at the Moscow Art Theatre, directed by Constantine Stanislavsky in 1898. Since then, the play has been regarded as one of Chekhov’s finest works. In an Irish context, the play received a translation and adaptation by playwright Thomas Kilroy, premiering at the Royal Court Theatre, London in 1981. In opening up and combining the archive sources of Kilroy and other theatre archives of the Hardiman Library and of the R.S.A.L collections in Moscow, the exhibition will highlight how across cultures, languages, societies and centuries, theatre and its impact can remain unchanged.
This exhibition will simultaneously stage material from the theatre collections of the Hardiman Library and the Russian State Art Library in both Galway and Moscow throughout the month of October and is a unique chance to see a visual and archival history of The Seagull, in its many manifestations, from Chekhov to Kilroy.
All are welcome to attend the launch of the exhibition by Dr. Ian Walsh, Centre for Drama, Theatre and Performance, NUI Galway, at the Hardiman Building (Room G011) at 6pm, Tuesday, 7 October.
Friday, September 19, 2014
Announcing: 'Interpreting Landscape': Symposium on Tim Robinson
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Tim Robinson |
Moore Institute International Symposium
Tuesday 30 September 2014
Hardiman Research Building, National University of Ireland, Galway
Booking essential: http://www.nuigalway.ie/mooreinstitute
10.30 Registration and coffee/tea. Venue: entrance to Room
G010, Atrium of the Hardiman Research Building
11.00 Welcome by Daniel Carey, Director of the Moore
Institute. Venue: Room G010
11.05 John Wylie, Exeter University: So near and yet so
11.50 Justin Carville, Dun Laoghaire Institute of Art and
Design: 'Lines of sight and historical topographies: photography, anthropology
and archaeology in the West of Ireland'
12.30 Nicolas Fève, photographer: introduction to his
photographic practice and interpretation of landscapes evoked by Tim Robinson,
followed by Justin and Nicolas in conversation, and discussion
13.00 Lunch break and opportunity to visit the exhibition ‘Interpreting
Landscape: Tim Robinson and the West of Ireland' / ‘Rianú Talún: Tim Robinson
agus Iarthar na hÉireann', in the Atrium, Hardiman Research Building. This
exhibition displays elements of the Robinson Archive in the James Hardiman
Library, together with photographs by Nicolas Fève and extracts from John
Elder, Nicolas Fève and Tim Robinson, Connemara and Elsewhere (Royal Irish
Academy, 2014). A display of other archives relating to landscape can be viewed
in the nearby Special Collections Reading Room.
13.45 Nessa Cronin, National University of Ireland, Galway:
‘Interpreting island space: gender, science, and empire in the life and work of
Maude Jane Delap (Valentia Island, 1866-1953)'
14.25 John Elder, Middlebury College, Vermont: 'Dwelling on
the edge'
15.15 Short break
15.30 Screening of ‘Unfolding the landscape', a filmed
interview with Vincent Woods, Tim Robinson and Nicolas Fève. Venue: Seminar
Room G011, Hardiman Research Building
16.30 Close of symposium
Please click on the link below to register for this event
Monday, September 15, 2014
Join Us For Culture Night 2014 at the Hardiman Library!
The annual wave of all things culture is ready to pour over Galway City and County (as well as all of Ireland!) as Culture Night 2014 arrives on 19th September. The Hardiman Library is delighted to be staging a series of events that celebrates the richness of its Archive collections. From 6pm all are welcome to join us for a special evening of film, talks and tours that covers over 500 years of local and national history as well as opens up the story of how Galway and Hollywood came together and is recorded in the archive of the Oscar-winning director John Huston, whose vast film archive is held by the Hardiman Library.
Commissioned by John Huston in 1958 to prepare a scenario for a film on Sigmund Freud, Jean Paul Sartre, the French philosopher, actually wrote two scenarios - the first before visiting Huston at St Clerans, County Galway in autumn 1959, and the other afterwards. Both were far too long, but after much pruning and rewriting Freud: The Secret Passion premiered in 1962.
This illustrated talk by Prof. James Gosling will explore the script of The Secret Passion, contained within the Huston Family Archive at the James Hardiman Library, written by Sartre, edited by Huston and then later rejected by Sartre. Prof. Gosling will share his extensive archive research on the script held at the Hardiman Library and also on the other various versions held in Paris. The findings will prove to be an entertaining and enlightening evening showcasing one of Galway's great cinematic histories.
There will be a special showcase of archival material from the Huston Family Archive.
Time: 6pm
Venue: Moore Institute Seminar Room, Hardiman Research Building, NUI Galway
Contact: barry.houlihan@nuigalway.ie
Tuesday, August 26, 2014
Land - Ownership, Occupancy & Use: the O'Connor Donelan Archive
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Letter from John O'Connor Donelan to his mother 21 July 1893 |
Land–its ownership, occupancy and use– has been a central motif in Irish history and in the Irish imagination for centuries. Land has been a source of wealth and income, as well as a key marker of social rank and political power. A history marked by confiscation and plantation resulted in the land being a site for conflicting claims and identities in Ireland. Accordingly, primary documentary records relating to Irish landed families and estates provide a rich resource for the investigation of many aspects of Irish history.
The Archives of the Hardiman Library hold a number of landed estate collections relating to major estates and families in the West of Ireland. The O’Connor Donelan collection provides a good example of the value of such records. The papers relate to the O'Connor Donelan family of Sylane, Tuam, County Galway. The papers cover the legal dealings of the family, the management of their various lands, and personal papers relating to various family members. The bulk of the personal material relates to Thomas O'Connor Donelan (1812-1874) and his sons. His eldest son Dermot had an interest in genealogy and forestry, and his other three sons were doctors in Dublin, Leeds and Manila.
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Thomas O'Connor Donelan, c. 3 years old, c. 1870 |
A Galway landowning family, the O’Connor Donelan family papers relate principally to the nineteenth century, though reflecting the activities of both the Donelan and O’Connor families in earlier centuries. The papers document various aspects of the lives and range of interest and responsibilities of the family: the legal aspects of their affairs, the challenges of estate management and the personal concerns (including political activities) and contacts of family members in the nineteenth century. The collection offers the researcher a valuable case-study of a modest Galway landed estate of the nineteenth century.
Also available online from NUI Galway is the Landed Estates web site, www.landedestates.ie, a comprehensive and integrated online resource guide to landed estates and gentry houses in Connacht c.1700-1914.
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Lease for Cuilmore [Peterswell, County Galway]., containing three acres, for use as a priest's residence for 999 years, at £11 per annum. 31 January 1846 |
Monday, August 18, 2014
Minutes and moments in Galway History - Galway Urban District Council Archives
As part of the Local Authority Collections of the Hardiman Library Archives, the minutes books of Galway Urban District Council, ranging from 1899-1922, cover a key period in the development of Galway city and its environs. The Urban District Council was set-up after the 1898 Local Government Act, it replaced the Board of the Galway Town Commissioners. As an 'Urban District Council' rather than a 'Corporation' the body was subordinate to Galway County Council, in administrative terms this put Galway City on the same level as towns such as Athlone and Clonmel.
Galway Urban District council was responsible for the upkeep of Galway'’s roads, street lighting and the collection of tolls. Unlike it predecessor body the Galway Town Commissioners it was also responsible for the provision of 'social housing'. During the period covered by this collection a number of housing schemes in Galway city were undertaken by the Urban District Council, including the construction of 'working class' homes in Henry Street. The period covered by this collection also saw the replacement of the tram service to Salthill with a bus service.
The minute books of the Galway Urban District Council also include a number of references to political events of the time including The First World War, The Conscription Crisis and the War of Independence. One such entry on 18 July 1918 sees a request for assistance made to The Galway U.D.C. from the Irish Recruiting Council, regarding recruitment into forces fighting in the First World War. The Galway U.D.C minuted that they were willing to meet and hear the request from the Irish Recruitment Council. A following meeting, dated, 1 August 1918, notes that Colonel Arthur Lynch M.P. addressed the meeting on behalf of the Irish Recruitment Council and explained the necessity of having voluntary recruiting carried out in order to obviate the necessity of conscription.
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18 July 1918 |
A resolution passed on 17 June 1920 explicitly stated that the Urban District Council recognised "the authority of Dáil Éireann as the duly elected Government of the Irish people".
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17 June 1920 |
". . . .That the traffic from the County districts over the roads within the Borough boundary has been considerably increased in recent years, and that to this has been added a large volume of Army motor traffic which resulted in increased expenses in the repair and up-keep of the roads."
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17 April 1919 |
All these images are from volume LA4/3 and are from just one volume of a series of four which are a vital and unique resource for a study of the period of key development in Galway and indeed nationally at the time. A full description can be seen here: http://archives.library.nuigalway.ie/FlatList.php?col=LA4
Tuesday, July 22, 2014
A Creative Collision from the Beginning - The Galway (International) Arts Festival Archive
At the half-way point in this year's Galway International Arts Festival, it is a good time to catch a breath after what has been such a packed week of the festival. This year being the first 'International' Galway Arts Festival (though of course it always was International!) it is a good opportunity to open up the archive of the Galway Arts Festival and look back at some of the hits and big events from over the years.
We are proud to hold the archive of the Galway Arts Festival here at the James Hardiman Library. It is a rich resource of history, great memories, major names and acts from all spectrum of the Arts and a record of just how the Arts Festival has grown and developed over the years, where today it stands as one of the great international arts festivals.
Here we open up some of the archives to see just how strong the programming was from its early years in the 1980s. Theatre names such as Druid of course stand out, along with Footsbarn Theatre Company and also a version of Waiting for Godot by Jim Sheridan . Literary names are full of heavy-hitters like John McGahern, Seamus Heaney, Thomas Kilroy and Paul Durcan to name a few. Art exhibitions from Robert Ballagh, Brian Boske, Patricia Burke-Brogan and others filled the visual art programme. Music from Padraig O'Carra, De Dannan, Doloros Keane, again to just but a few, were among the musical acts.
We hope you enjoy just a few highlights from the Galway Arts Festival Archive. The Archive catalogue can be viewed in full here and any queries please be in touch! Email - library@nuigalway.ie
We are proud to hold the archive of the Galway Arts Festival here at the James Hardiman Library. It is a rich resource of history, great memories, major names and acts from all spectrum of the Arts and a record of just how the Arts Festival has grown and developed over the years, where today it stands as one of the great international arts festivals.
Here we open up some of the archives to see just how strong the programming was from its early years in the 1980s. Theatre names such as Druid of course stand out, along with Footsbarn Theatre Company and also a version of Waiting for Godot by Jim Sheridan . Literary names are full of heavy-hitters like John McGahern, Seamus Heaney, Thomas Kilroy and Paul Durcan to name a few. Art exhibitions from Robert Ballagh, Brian Boske, Patricia Burke-Brogan and others filled the visual art programme. Music from Padraig O'Carra, De Dannan, Doloros Keane, again to just but a few, were among the musical acts.
We hope you enjoy just a few highlights from the Galway Arts Festival Archive. The Archive catalogue can be viewed in full here and any queries please be in touch! Email - library@nuigalway.ie
Wednesday, July 16, 2014
Life in NUI Galway, 110 years ago
A set of 20 photographs, mainly from 1904, the Anderson Family Photographs
refer to Alexander Anderson and his family, and show life in Galway University
at a time of transition both for the family themselves and society as a whole.
Anderson was the first person to suggest the existence of black holes and
the first to speculate about what would happen if a star collapsed under its
own gravity. He was a great man, whose ideas were ahead of his
time. Anderson was a teacher and researcher in Experimental and
Mathematical Physics as well as being an able University Administrator.
He devoted much of his life to University College Galway.
Originally from Coleraine, Anderson began his career at Queen’s College Galway
in 1877. He graduated in 1880 with a gold medal for his BA. He then
took first place in an open scholarship to Sydney Sussex College in the
University of Cambridge where he studied Physics and Mathematics and came out
as sixth wrangler in 1884. He returned to Galway in 1885 and shortly
after, succeeded Joseph Larmor as Professor of Natural Philosophy. He was
also president of Queen’s College Galway for thirty-five years.
Anderson’s interest in the practical applications of physics is illustrated by
the fact that his department was providing a medical radiography service in
Galway from 1898. He was also involved in industrially sponsored
research. Around 1899 the Eastman-Kodak Company provided a fellowship for
the study of X-ray photography. Unfortunately the tissue of a child was
damaged and scarred by an X-ray exposure. This activity attracted
worldwide attention, as it was the cause of probably the first instance of
litigation on the injurious effects of ionising radiation though the verdict
was in favour of the College. (Details of the case are available from one
of our small collections, P61, at http://archives.library.nuigalway.ie/col_level.php?col=P61
During his career in Galway, Anderson ensured that the Physics department
had state of the art equipment including the then newly invented X-ray and
radio apparatus and cathode ray tubes. It is said of Anderson that his
primary interest lay in teaching and that he was rarely content to give a piece
of theory from a textbook without first improving or simplifying it.
He married Emily, daughter of William J. Binns of the National Bank in Galway; they had a son and three daughters. Mrs Anderson was active in reform organisations and, with her daughters, attended local suffrage meetings; they were founder members of the Connaught Women's Franchise League in Galway in January 1913. Their daughter Emily was educated privately before entering QCG in 1908; she won a literary scholarship after an exceptional performance in her first-year examinations, when she placed first in English, French, German and Latin; in 1909 and 1910 she held the college's Browne scholarship, and in 1911 graduated BA. She specialised in German, and undertook postgraduate work at the universities of Berlin and Marburg. She was professor of German in UCG from 1917 till her resignation in 1920, when she moved to the Foreign Office in London. She was awarded an OBE for intelligence work in the Middle East, and translated and published The letters of Mozart and his family (1938) and The letters of Beethoven (1961). With her mother she was a founding member of the Connaught Women's Franchise League.
Their only son, also Alexander, enlisted in the 4th
Connaught Rangers Battalion as a lieutenant, and was attached to the Royal
Flying Corps. He was reported missing on 23 November 1916 and ended up as a
Prisoner of War. He was awarded a B. Sc. (Honoris Causa) in 1917 and later
appears on the Army List for the Connaught Rangers from 1918-1920.
The photographs are part of the research material
gathering by the late Dr. Tom O’Connor, Department of Physics, for work he did
on a history of that department. They give us a fascinating glimpse into the
lives of the Anderson family who grew up on the grounds of University College
Friday, July 11, 2014
Picture Perfect? Some Postcards from Galway in the early twentieth century
With the summer in full swing, and Galway all set for the Arts Festival and Race Week, we thought it would be a good time to mention one of our recently acquired small collections, a set of 18 postcards from the Galway area ranging in date from c.1900 to c.1950. Postcards of Galway, in common with the rest of Ireland, grew with the evolution of tourism in the early twentieth century, with tourist venues like Salthill and Conamara featuring heavily. Begun by a number of English companies, local photographers also go involved. For more on the evolution of postcards of Galway see Paul Duffy's recent publication "Postcards of Galway".
Tuesday, May 27, 2014
The Emergency: Ireland in Wartime, 27-28 June 2014 - Conference at NUI Galway
The Emergency: Ireland in wartime, 27-28 June 2014
A great conference upcoming here on campus at NUI Galway,
coming at the 75th anniversary of World War II, will focus on it's place in an
Irish context, known as 'the Emergency'. With renowned international and Irish
keynote speakers including Robert Fisk, Brian Girvin, T. Ryle Dwyer, Mervyn
O'Driscoll and Michael Kennedy, as well as a wide range of academics and
scholars, it promises to be a really interesting two days. For full conference
details click here.
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